Franklin was found as stray by Young-Williams Animal Shelter. He is approx. 1 year old and a Heeler/Terrier mix. He has gorgeous short brown fur with blonde highlights (I know lots of ladies who would pay big bucks for his hair do). He’s a medium-large sized pup, weighing in at a cuddly 47lbs. Franklin has a sweet speckled face and white paws, chest and belly (belly rub anyone?).
Franklin is on the super sweet spectrum and loves his food and treats, making him a perfect candidate for HALT’s training classes. We learned about his love of head-boppin’ 90s hip-hop music in his getaway car ride. And, warning … Franklin’s expressive eyes are going to melt a few ladies’ hearts.
We’re now taking adoption applications for handsome Franklin. HALT classes start April 4, and conclude April 28, and then he will be ready to go to his furever home! Apply to adopt Franklin on our website and stay tuned to our Facebook page for more details as we learn more about this lovely boy.
All breeds and ages are the best guess from the shelter, our Dog Selection Committee, and Veterinarian.